Lenny Conundrum

Every week, The Neopets Team releases a new Lenny Conundrum puzzle, and each week that puzzle gets posted on our blog. You can discuss with others the answer in the comments and come up with a solution! We also discuss the Mystery Picture Answers aswell!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lenny Conundrum - Round #436

A Neopian biologist was studying the footprints left by different Neopet species. There were so many different types of prints though! Some had no toe prints, like the Aisha and the Ixi, a surprising number had six, like the Elephante, and some had a whopping twelve toe prints, like the Bori! It was quite interesting to ponder. So she wondered...

If you added up the toes for each type of standard Neopet species, how many toes total would that be?

Please respond with ONLY the number and NO words (like "toes" for example) for your answer to qualify.


  1. Adding all the toes including the flying creatures and those that go on their tails the answer comes out to be 268.

  2. I didnt count the hooves talons.. did you?

  3. 268??? sure????

  4. Yeah, that's annoying that they didn't define alot of things. Like what is a "standard" neopet species as opposed to a non standard one? And do we count flying creatures and those that jump on their tails? Is it about the toes themselves or the footprints?

  5. i guess standard means basic colored. cause maybe the mutant one wouldve have more toes :D

  6. I counted talons... not hooves.

  7. I think standard means like blue, red, yellow or green. Maybe some colours could add toes. I looked at all the blue pets at the rainbow pool and added them up and got 356.

  8. 356? thats way too much :D at the upstanding pets you only count the feet. like the elephante in the example

  9. http://www.neopets.com/allpets.phtml

  10. they want to know how many toes they have total, not prints. So species without toes shouldn't count.

    1. yeah...I did that and got 260...still I don't really want the trophy that much, it was fun counting :P

  11. So u didn't count the meerca or the blumaroo?

    1. you count their toes, it doesn't matter if they use their tails

  12. The blumaroo has a little division on his foot - so he technically has two toes per foot. As he is a standing pet, that makes 4 toes total.

  13. this is the most confusing one yet!!

  14. In my opinion, standard is the ones that aren't only available on Pet Days (like the Cybunny and Koi). As for the toe counting... T_T

  15. I am a little stuck on the Cybunny. It stands on all four feet. The back feet clearly have 3 toes apiece. The front foot on the ground has three toes too (or so it seems). Count the toes on the foot it has raised... it has four! So does it have 12 toes? 13 toes? Are we supposed to assume we can't see the forth toe on the front foot and say it has 14?

  16. And what about the Lenny? Like birds, don't they have a claw - shaped foot with one toe in the back? I think it technically has 6 toes... but it might be said that only the forward facing ones count. What do you think? Is the Lenny a 4 toed or 6 toed neopet?

  17. How many toes does the Tonu have? It's so fat that you can't see the back ones... and is that four toes I count on the front foot? By rules of symmetry, does it have 16 toes?

  18. Wow! I haven't counted anything that high!! All I got up to was 246. What are you counting? I counted all neopet species on a standard color (such as red, yellow, blue or green).

  19. Are you using the unconverted drawings to count? I wouldn't say their unconverted appearance is "standard" anymore. There are several differences (including that the Tuskaninny stands on his three toed flippers in the unconverted drawing versus standing on his tail in the new drawing). Don't forget that the new appearances of neopets can be viewed at the rainbow pool.

  20. I got up to 238 using the converted images. I figure, if they have hooves, tails, or there are no splits in their feet, they have no toes.

  21. WHat about the ones with four toe prints altogther? the question didnt mention that

  22. if i fo it my way i get 204

  23. There is no real way to get a straightforward answer. It is just a guess!!!

  24. Do we know what standard actually means? Basic colored pets or non-limited edition pets?

  25. i can't tell if the break in the kacheek's foot would count as toes or not, i'm guessing they don't, as it doesn't look seperated.

    and on the lenny, though his feet are together, you can kind of make out where the back-claw comes out in the picture, though i dunno if those count.

    agh, this one is confusing.

  26. my guess is 214. probably wrong but oh well.

  27. I think back claws count.

    And I'm seeing a slight pattern here.
    Hooves don't seem to count as toes, and pets such as the fish and Kiko don't even have FEET, so they're all probably zero as is.
    BUT, the 4-legged pets seem to all have 12; 3 on each foot, and the birds are probably 3 toes each because of back claws, and the few that aren't either one (Kacheek/Meerca, etc) have 4 toes total; 2 on each foot. And the Draik/Krawk species are one of those hard-to-tell, but they seem to have either 3 or four toes on each foot as well.

  28. Oh, and standard means the BASIC coloured neopets, not the mutant/darigan/etc. painted. I asked Mom about that part and she said that it meant the original neopets, not the mutated/super-beefed up ones.

  29. i counted standard as meaning not limited edition and not painted. i counted 189 toes.

  30. I guessed 266, because it involves ALL the Neopets, but not mutant or super transformed.
    Just go with the basic colors shown on the "All Neopets" page. That's what I did.
    And "standard" does mean the original, so I can almost bet they mean unconverted. That, however, DID throw me off a little, so I just guessed with what I got.

    Good luck, everyone! *still is waiting for the trophy* I was right on the last one, but didn't get it in enough time.

    1. if it's going by basic colors, then why would they be unconverted? the only pets that are unconverted are painted pets.
      i wouldn't think standard means original either, because the definition of standard is "widely accepted", so that would actually mean converted pets since unconverted is not as common as converted.

      i agree with the number of toes you counted though, that was what i got also. just wanted to clear that up so it doesn't throw off anyone else.

  31. What a stupid question. So unfair and rude.

  32. i got 244?
    do you count the tails?
    or if it has a tail do you count the fingers?

  33. only mammals can have toes *facepalm*

  34. The question states: "Some had no toe prints, like the Aisha and the Ixi, a surprising number had six, like the Elephante, and some had a whopping twelve toe prints, like the Bori!"

    The Aisha has that singular 'foot' bit. The Ixi has hooves. Don't count hooves or what looks like the slipper things.

    Don't count the fingers. Some Neopets don't have toes, remember.

    If they have four feet--like the Bori--then yes, all toes count.

    Hope that helps!

  35. i'm confused, does blumaroo has toes now? or just footprints?

  36. I counted 242 and submitted...

  37. I must have gotten mixed up . . . I got 254

  38. Wow! This will probably be a big winner for who gets it! I got 196...

  39. I got 201 and I KNOW I got it wrong. For the simple fact that its an odd number. DOH. Curious to see what the answer is...

  40. I got 430 and submitted, the question gives you all the info :)

  41. I got 240, and you count all the toes guys, if they're on a tail no you don't count the tail as a foot -_-
    you count only their toes, some have fingers as well, like scorchio and stuff count just toes no fingers, i did it on jelly neo, put all the pics in paint and crossed of the toes on each pic and wrote a total, then added each pets total toes up, but there are a few with a non determinable amount of toes, like cybunny was a difficult one and korbat, with the birds, i'd assume the claw at the back is like the heel of their foot not a toe.

  42. I got 204 I didn't count talons or tails or thing with ought any toes e.g kau

  43. i got 251. im not sure how, i just submitted it.

  44. nimmo 6
    scorcio 6
    jubjub 6
    grarrl 6
    skeith 6
    korbat 4
    lenny 4
    kacheek 4
    eyrie 12
    buzz 6
    lupe 12
    gelbert 12
    mynci 6
    kyrii 4
    quiggle 6
    acara 12
    zafara 6
    blumaroo 4
    techo 6
    cybunny 12
    kougra 12
    grundo 4
    meerca 4
    pteri 4
    krawk 6
    tonu 12
    draik 6
    yurble 6
    bori 12
    lutari 6
    xweetok 12
    ogrin 12
    elephant 6

    = 242

    1. It says the elephant has 12 toes. ;) thought Id point that out.

    2. Same as above :))15 January 2012 at 12:29

      Scratch that :) Even after reading it for the fifth time, I swore it said elephant. :) Guess I need to get off the comp for a bit and rest my eyes.

    3. Lutari is a limited edition..

    4. I guess i was right ..

      Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 436). You have won 7634 NP!

      Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a Happy Feet, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!

  45. does the bruce have toe prints?

  46. ...Darn it, I forgot to count the Elephante.
    Without him, I think I got 196, but I can't remember exactly.

  47. does fish have toes?no?

  48. dont forget not all neopets are included.only standard ones. so dont include draik,krawk,grundo

  49. I got 204, I only counted pets that were not limited! (Did not count Koi, Cybunny, Lutari, Draik etc) I think I might have counted the Kau's hoofs as toes by mistake *shrugs* oh well... this will be big money for whoever wins this one!

  50. i got 234 :)

    basically i just added up all the reasonable answers above and divided by the number of reasonable ones

  51. If you added up the toes for EACH TYPE of standard Neopet species.. AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Too hard! Does this mean we have to count the toes of every standard neopet (not limited edition) in every possible painted colour???? That would sound more like TNT. It's not like them to make things easy :(

    1. Well they said species, and nothing in the problem said anything about colour??

  52. Are you supposed to count the talons?

  53. How many toes does the wocky have?

  54. Ahh. I've had to restart my count so many times! ADD over here. I am number illiterate. But I still try winning these things >_<

  55. -Used http://www.neopets.com/allpets.phtml as a visual reference.
    -I found it useful to also use google images with some of them for a better angle in which back toes or talons could be hidden. (the ones with suspected 'talons' or the ones like cybunny whose back feet weren't as easily visible in the poses they were in)
    - I did not count the hissy, simple pads, fins/flippers, or hooves as these are NOT toes.
    - I listed all the pets, toes or no and indicated 0 where there were none, as specified clearly in the problem.

    • Nimmo: 6
    • Scorchio: 6
    • Jubjub: 6
    • Grarrl: 6
    • Skieth: 12
    • Korbat: 4
    • Lenny: 3
    • Wocky: 0
    • Bruce: 0
    • Kau: 0
    • Usul: 0
    • Aisha: 0
    • Chia: 0
    • Eyrie: 12
    • Tuskaninny: 6
    • Flotsam: 0
    • Jetsam: 0
    • Kacheek: 4
    • Uni: 0
    • Buzz: 6
    • Lupe: 12
    • Elephante:6
    • Gelert: 12
    • Mynci: 6
    • Kyrii: 4
    • Peophin: 0
    • Quiggle: 6
    • Shoyru: 0
    • Acara: 12
    • Zafara: 6
    • Blumaroo: 4
    • Techo: 6
    • Moehog: 0
    • Cybunny: 12
    • Poogle: 0
    • Kougra: 12
    • Grundo: 4
    • Koi: 0
    • Meerca: 4
    • Chomby: 0
    • Pteri: 0
    • Krawk: 6
    • Tonu: 12
    • Draik: 6
    • Ixi: 0
    • Yurble: 6
    • Ruki: 0
    • Bori: 12
    • Hissi: 0
    • Lutari: 12
    • Xweetok: 12
    • Ogrin: 12
    • Gnorbu: 0

    This was how I arrived at my answer. The reasoning for which conclusion as listed above. I will not come right out to say it, as I've taken you this far. That said, I feel everyone deserves a shot at it, but should try and do some foot work themselves (if you can call using a calculator footwork- hehe). Hopefully this clarified things a bit and helped resolve the "toe, or no toe" issue. It will be very interesting to see which answer is correct. Good luck to everyone!

  56. you have a mistake, lenny has 4. Probably you should have more mistakes too, im too lazy to check your whole post. Right answer will be 196.

  57. The total is 240. Count only toes/claws on the paw/foot. ignore the hands/wings. include the fist for four-legged pets like the xweetok and cybunny.

  58. I got 196. The way I did it, "STANDARD" neopets meant the neopets that you can always create.
    quiggle : 6
    ogrin : 12
    acara : 12
    pteri : 4
    techo : 6
    scorchio : 6
    elephante :6
    eyrie : 12
    kyrii : 4
    grarrl : 6
    bori : 12
    lenny: 4
    gelert : 12
    korbat : 4
    lupe : 12
    yurble : 6
    kacheek : 4
    xweetok : 12
    nimmo : 6
    skeith : 6
    kougra : 12
    mynci : 6
    zafara : 6
    buzz : 6
    blumaroo : 4
    meerca : 4
    jubjub : 6
    uni : 0
    peophin : 0
    aisha :0
    usul : 0
    ruki : 0
    shoyru : 0
    kau : 0
    bruce : 0
    ixi : 0
    moehog : 0
    flotsam : 0
    wocky : 0
    tuskaninny : 0
    gnorbu : 0
    chia : 0

    I'm fairly sure I got the toes right on all of this, I'm just not sure whether to include Grundo and its 4 toes or not.

  59. did anyone get a confirmation mail from neopets yet on this lc?

  60. Did anyone get the correct answer? If so what did you guess? Anyone here in the top 250?

  61. I went by the person that posted this:

    nimmo 6
    scorcio 6
    jubjub 6
    grarrl 6
    skeith 6
    korbat 4
    lenny 4
    kacheek 4
    eyrie 12
    buzz 6
    lupe 12
    gelbert 12
    mynci 6
    kyrii 4
    quiggle 6
    acara 12
    zafara 6
    blumaroo 4
    techo 6
    cybunny 12
    kougra 12
    grundo 4
    meerca 4
    pteri 4
    krawk 6
    tonu 12
    draik 6
    yurble 6
    bori 12
    lutari 6
    xweetok 12
    ogrin 12
    elephant 6

    = 242

    This was the correct answer and I got 7634 NP. Too bad I was way too late to get in the top 250. But thanks to whoever posted this.

  62. My first time being in the top 250. I got 7634np and the book Happy Feet

  63. me too!! i finally gt the trophy !! whahaha.
    n guess what.. i guessed it!!! didnt count a single leg!
