Lenny Conundrum

Every week, The Neopets Team releases a new Lenny Conundrum puzzle, and each week that puzzle gets posted on our blog. You can discuss with others the answer in the comments and come up with a solution! We also discuss the Mystery Picture Answers aswell!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lenny Conundrum - Round #433

Simon, Neopia's most successful Plushie Tycoon, is having a bit of a problem. Production is down due to injuries at his factory and he needs to institute some new safety regulations. He didn't become a bajillionaire by allowing workers with a case of button face or thread burn to take days off!

Oh, sure, he looks nice, but that's only because he just counted his money.

He asked for reports from each of his five department heads, but the information got all jumbled! Now he's not sure who manages what department, what floor they're on, and their records for most days without injury. Here's what he does know:

  • Phabrick managed the Design department, whose record without injury was not 17 days.

  • Brilch didn't manage a department that was housed on the third floor.

  • The only department on the second floor, which did not hold the 28-day injury record, was the Store.

  • 348 days was not the record for the Warehouse. Lyrian managed the department with the 1-day record.

  • The two departments on the third floor were the one with the 17-day record, and the one that Embroal managed.

  • Trilnin managed the Engineering department, which wasn't on the first floor. The Stuffing department had the 53-day record, but wasn't on the third floor.

So, which department had only ever gone one day without injury and needs a strict set of protocol and procedures to ensure production continues at maximum efficiency? Enter only the department name.


  1. I said Warehouse...

  2. It's Stuffing. Trust me.

  3. Store. Warehouse is managed by Embroal, so it doesn't have a 1 day record.

  4. Can't be Stuffing. Stuffing has the 53 day record.

  5. Store is on the 2nd floor. Embroal manages one on the 3rd.

  6. Whats sad is that I just practiced questions like there for an LSAT haha

  7. The chart goes as such:

    Design- Manager: Phabrick
    Floor: 1
    Record: 348 days
    Store- Manager: Lyrian
    Floor: 2
    Record: 1 day
    Warehouse- Manager: Embroal
    Floor: 3
    Record: 28 days
    Engineering- Manager: Trilnin
    Floor: 3
    Record: 17 days
    Stuffing- Manager: Brilch
    Floor: 1
    Record: 53 days

    Warehouse-Embral- 3rd Fl- 28 days
    Design - Phab - 1st or 4th Floor - 348 days
    Engineering - Trinlin - 3rd Fl - 17 days
    Stuffing- Brilch- 1st or 4th - 53 days

  9. It's Store, here's the sorted grid:
    Engineering - Third Floor - Trilnin - 17
    Stuffing - First Floor - Brilch - 53
    Warehouse - Third Floor - Embroal - 28
    Design - First Floor - Phabrick - 348
    Store - Second Floor - Lyrian - 1

  10. you guys are idiots

    Engineering - Third Floor - Brilch - 28
    Stuffing - First Floor - Brilch - 53
    Warehouse - Third Floor - Embroal - 1
    Design - First Floor - Phabrick - 348
    Store - Second Floor - Lyrian - 17

  11. "you guys are idiots

    Engineering - Third Floor - Brilch - 28
    Stuffing - First Floor - Brilch - 53
    Warehouse - Third Floor - Embroal - 1
    Design - First Floor - Phabrick - 348
    Store - Second Floor - Lyrian - 17"

    YOU are the idiot. The instructions SPECIFICALLY stated that Lyrian had the one day record, not the 17 day record as you put.

  12. I put Shipping Department because one of those charts above (the person who posted we were idiots) has an extra Brilch in his chart, so I think that is an accident and the extra one needs to be shipped out. ;)

  13. Guys its Warehouse. You guys are dumbasses.

  14. Listen to majority, that's all. Store Department. The few faggots saying anything else are just trying to get extra nps

  15. I guess we will find out next Wednesday!

  16. It's warehouse.

  17. There's only one solution. It's Store. There's no waiting until Wednesday to know, just do the f*cking problem. Everyone on here saying Store is correct, and everyone saying something else knows that it is Store and is just trying to trick people. This is why you need to figure the problem out yourself instead of using a website to cheat. That is all.

  18. it IS warehouse. I worked it out for myself!!! If you don't believe me, fine. All the more np for me.

  19. Lyrian can't be in charge of Design or Engineering, because the heads of those departments are given (clues 1 and 6). Stuffing has a 53 days record (clue 6) and Lyrian has a 1 day record (clue 4), so he can't be in charge of stuffing.
    Lyrian is in charge of either WAREHOUSE or STORE.

    Embroal is on the 3rd floor (clue 5). He can't be in the store because the store is on the 2nd floor (clue 3). Like Lyrian, he can't be in charge of Design or Engineering (clues 1 and 6 again). He also can't be in charge of Stuffing, because it's NOT on the 3rd floor (clue 6). Therefore, Embroal must be in charge of warehouse.

    Because Embroal is in charge of warehouse, the only department for Lyrian is STORE

  20. You people all suck donkey cocks - it's store fo' sho'

  21. Design – Phalbrick – 28 – 1st
    Stuffing - Brilch, - 53 – 1st
    Store - Lyrian – 1– 2nd
    Engineering - Trilnin - 17 – 3rd
    Warehouse - Embroal - 28 – 3rd

  22. Name Floor Department Records

    Phabrick 1st Design 348 days
    Brilch 1st Stuffing 53 days
    Lyrian 2nd Store 1 day
    Trilnin 3rd Engineering 17 days
    Embroal 3rd Warehouse 28 days

  23. Okay warehouse people you are wrong and I will tell you why. There are only 4 absolute values for injury records, 1,17,28,and 53. The last value of 348 is a missing variable. It doesn't say for sure any manager had a record of 348 so when you do your chart it would be less confusing to use a letter to represent the missing number. So that when you figure out that Embroal is working the ware house and is one the third floor and the third floor has the last value it will be the missing number instead of 348 which is what the warehouse cannot have. I hope this helps everyone, and stops the fighting and name calling. Merry Christmas everyone.

  24. i said store but i guess i got it wrong. oh well. its not like i NEED the money. i just got the forgotten shore map easy. i wanna find some treasure or something though. I also have the cheapest dubloon prices in the store!!

  25. No Store is right you are not wrong if you said store. When I said okay warehouse people you are worng I meant the warehouse people are wrong, because they didn't replace the number 348 with a letter and treat it like an unknown variable.

  26. Yes! I got the store. I worked so hard on putting this all together,i created a little table chart thing and evrything! Now hopefully i'm one of the first 250 people!

  27. Final Answer: Lyrian - Store - 1 day - 2nd Floor

    Trilnin - Engineering - 17 days - 3rd Floor
    Embroal - Warehouse - 28 days - 3rd Floor

    Other Floors:
    Brilch - Stuffing - 53
    Phabrick - Design - 348

  28. If you didn't get the answer above, you would have to re-read the clues


  30. TO 10:04 - YOU DON'T HAVE A SNOWBALL'S NEED TO SWEAR. Thank you.

  31. So, the answer was Store. I just got a neomail telling me I was right.

  32. It is Store. Used my LSAT Logic Game tricks, and that answer checked out :)

  33. Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 433). You have won 352 NP!

    Did they change the lenny conundrum puzzle yet? Cause I just checked and it is the exact same puzzle...

  34. It says on the page that the next puzzle won't be up for another week. I'm assuming that they are taking a break off for Christmas.

    "Looks like this round has already been judged! A new Lenny Conundrum will be released next Wednesday, most likely, so sharpen your pencils and check back then!"

  35. To people who couldn't figure it out:
    1. Phabrick: Design (given)
    2. Trilnin - Engineering (given)
    3. Brilch - Stuffing - process of elimination, seeing as Lyrian's department has a 1 day record and stuffing has a 53 day record and Embroal's department was on the third floor while Stuffing wasn't on the third floor.
    4. Embroal - Warehouse - Embroal's department has to be on the third floor and Store has to be on the second floor so only option is warehouse.
    5. Lyrian - Store - only one left.

    Therefore since Lyrian's department has the 1-day record, store has the 1-day record.
